CDI website launched

September 12, 2016By Derek DurgaramNews

The Curacao Development Institute launched their website this month. The Institute will manage a extensive portfolio for different programs the sectors tourism, Oil Refinery & Renewable Energy, Information Technology, Logistics and Trade & Distribution.

Illustrations Janssen de Jong

September 12, 2016By Derek DurgaramNews

I’m in the process of creating 7 new illustrations for an Integrity code called the Blue Line. All illustrations are made scanned. This month the internal campaign will start.

New house style Green Media

May 16, 2016By Derek DurgaramNews

Green Media has a new logo design as of april 20th, 2016. The old version was used 5 years after being restyled once. The coming month the new house style will be further developed an integrated. Because of our background a new logo design is always a long process. The first impression especially as a design company … Read More