PORTFOLIO Beach Hut Project description Logo design and graphics for instagram account templates made for online store selling eco and beach products. Date 2020
Smartbox Plus
PORTFOLIO Smartbox Plus E-Marketing Project descriptionLogo design and branding for digital marketing packages. Also templates were provided for Social Media campaigns and website layout. Date2020
Smartbox services upgraded and restyled
Smartbox has now been part of the services Green media supplies for more than 10 years. Our budget approach to setup and maintain websites for starters and small business owners has been a success since its launch. To better satisfy the need of our clients, we created additional services that can be added to Smartbox … Read More
Level up with Green Line Communication services
Looking for a solid partner to grow your business? Green Line Communication can provide essential information to expand your marketing activities. This professional network of companies and freelancers can analyse and perfect your online communication efforts. From medium sized business to larger corporations, our consultants know how to plan and execute media campaigns and develop … Read More
Landhuis Bloemhof
PORTFOLIO Landhuis BloemhofProject description Green Media was contracted by the management team behind Bloemhof again to restyle the website we originally made. We website had to be more dynamic, mobile friendly and less complicated. The result is a functional clean website with all essential information about the activities in and around the colonial house. We … Read More
Scharloo Abou Logo
PORTFOLIO Scharloo Abou Platform Logo Project description For the promotion of the Scharloo Abou District this logo this logo designed. It expresses a lively colorful historic neighborhood in development. A website and Facebook page were created with this logo as a reference to communicate the potential of this area. Date 2019
Dolphin Therapy Center
PORTFOLIO Curacao Dolphin Therapy & Research CenterProject description Production of extensive website of this organization. A modern website that responds will on all mobile decices. The goal van to create a site with a balance between clear information communicating a great fun experience. Also forms and a chat function are integrated to better interact with … Read More
C-Life Resort
PORTFOLIO C-Life Resort Project description Creation of logo for Real Estate project. Date 2018
Scharloo Abou Portal
PORTFOLIO Scharloo Abou Portal Project descriptionProduction of community website promoting a neighborhood in development in Willemstad. Different organizations and stakeholders were involved in the production process. Date2019 VISIT SITE
Smartbox Websites
PORTFOLIO Smartbox Websites Project description Our popular website out-of-the box package has a new logo and website. The promotion materials around this service were also updated in this new more lean style. Black, Green and Grey in a distinctive new form with a smile. Date 2019 VISIT SITE